IIt takes advantage of your building’s ability to absorb, store, and release heat. Proactive HVAC simultaneously analyzes the interaction between:
Your building’s thermal mass (the rate at which it stores and releases heat)
Current and future weather data
How changes in HVAC setpoints affect energy consumption
Proactive HVAC's AI adjusts for all these factors to optimize your BAS system’s setpoints every two minutes. As a result, you can achieve the comfort levels you need while using as little energy as possible.
Proactive HVAC's AI continually adjusts your BAS system, reducing HVAC energy expenditure and energy costs.
How Proactive HVAC works
Why Building Operators and Energy Managers Choose Proactive HVAC
Reduces energy consumption without affecting occupant comfort levels.
Achieves impactful gains towards CO2 reduction metrics even in high performing buildings.
Easily meets investment criteria due to impressive price to savings ratio yielding superior financial metrics (simple payback, IRR, NPV).
Provides an easy-to-implement solution which will adapt to new building upgrades.
What Sets Proactive HVAC From Other Energy-Efficiency Products?
Instant, continuous savings: Your energy costs start to go down as soon as our software is activated—and your savings don’t stop unless the system is turned off.
Total continuity and comfort: Save money and energy without any loss of comfort or disruption of tenant operations.
No need for active management: Our software autonomously optimizes setpoints every 2 minutes, so it requires minimal human intervention or supervision.
Full system transparency: Building dashboard not only displays key energy data, but also shows changes to the setpoints and the savings they generate in real time.
Minimally invasive installation: The software logic board is all that needs to be installed. All additional required sensors are wireless.